************************************************************************** Short Story By Mike Baharmast 1-94 From a book of short stories titled "Untruly Funny Stories" For more, see "README.TXT" ************************************************************************** Mr. Saul Goldman , Attorney at Law Goldman and Goldman Associates Primrose, South Dakota Dear Sir, I swear to god you must be scraping the bottom of the barrel for a buck. I just got the divorce settlement document you sent me and to think I had 25 pages, in fine print, of material possessions on 25000 iffy dollars a year income would surprise the hell out of anybody with two bits worth of sense. You guys must have waaaaaaaay too much time on your hands to think of all this crap, half of which I don't even understand. But here's my reply to just a few line items that I do comprehend: 7.2- "Clothing wear: each party shall be given unrestricted access to his or her clothing wear at their discretion, not withstanding the regulatory conditions imposed by the court or the specified or implied wishes of the claimant or claimants.....". Son, basically your telling me I can take my underwear if it don't bother nobody, is that right?! Now what the hell kind of moron'd think I'd want her panties instead? Or that for some future reference, to cover your legal butt, in case she all of a sudden expressed an urge for acquiring my boxer shorts, she'd have a legal doorway to file a claim. For crying out loud, get a job. 13.8.4- "Live stock- any live stock subject to dispute will be placed in the domain of the court for arbitration.......". We have one cat. She can have the freaking cat, I don't want it, it was never mine, I had nothing to do with it nor do I want to have anything to do with it. The mangy critter showed up on our door steps one night and she decided to feed it. Now shall we take that to supreme court for judicial arbitration. 15.5.6- "Trees and shrubbery- claimants are advised that upon the resolution of said claims any such items may be by law subject to a petitioned for removal........". You mean who ever leaves may be forced to rip out half of the oak, pecan, pine and orange trees and take it withem. We have five acres, how the hell are we supposed to move all these trees? Were'er we supposed to put'em? 17.7.8- "Fixed landscape features- parties may claim any part of fixed landscaping. Upon the resolution of such claims by the court the claimant shall be obligated to remove said items within 30 days.......". Son, the main landscape fixtures on this property are the lake in the back and the drive way in the front. So you are saying if I'm the one who leaves, and I like the lake, I can take it with me!!?? Amen for the school that graduated you. 20.9- "Familial Heirlooms- parties may claim disputed familial heirlooms......". Like I can claim her mothers weddin dress and she can claim my pa's bowling ball. Gees, you're beyond the bottom of that barrel now and working your way through the top soil. To make the long story short you're feeding me 25 pages of cow manure that don't mean nothin to no one around here, excepts may be yourselves. There's only one thing to resolve here and that's the property. Now you say I'd have to give it up. Now why in the hell is that? She's the one who left me. So if she's doing the leaving how come I'm the one who's actually leavin? Way I figure it, if you want'a go, hell, go! As to all this bullshit about "not understanding the plight of the female and their struggle against male dominance.... ", what's that got to do with anything? She decided she wanted to be with Mr. X instead of me. Fine, best of luck, she's struggling against his back bone now, let him deal with her plight. You know this is my third divorce, each time the woman finds some other guy and I have to leave the house. It just ain't right. Next time I decide to get married I'll just look for a woman who'll swear she'll stab me in the back, I'll then just buy her a house outright and leave right away. That way I'll skip the years of puttin up, all the heart break, and the bullshit artist middlemen like yourself and just be done with it. Thank you for nothing. John Reardon.